Services - UAV Aerial Photography


UAV Inspection at archaeology dig site

Following three years of research, flight tests and written examinations, we are now qualified, certified and approved by both the CAA and IAA for aerial photography.  Using the unmanned aerial vehicle, Colin Williams Photography can now achieve breath taking aerial images almost anywhere from dawn to dusk.  As one of the foremost providers of aerial photography in Ireland, Colin Williams Photography delivers dynamic professional results time after time.  Our systems have been designed to develop our business portoflio to help you achieve professional photographs from angles never before possible.  Verticals to obliques, ground level to 400ft, our service will satisify you by delivering your brief, at a fraction of the cost of the full-size equivalent.

From arriving on site our set up time is minimal and we can be ready for flight in less than 20minutes (depending on site and unit). When in flight our UAV's are stable, and are equipped with many sensors and safety functions including a fully stablised 3 axis camera gimbal offering the facility to use different cameras from the GoPro to the Canon C300.  In flight the unit is quiet, environmentally friendly, stable and efficient, with a flight time of between 10-15 minutes depending on camera pay-load.  We have full back-up facilities for recharging batteries even at rural locations. The gimbal control is completly seperate from the flight control and we have the facility to produce smooth 360* pans and more importantly 90* vertical tilt.

During the aerial commission the UAV will continiously transmit a live video feed to the ground station monitor of what the camera is viewing. From here our camera operator can precisely guide the camera into position ensuring we capture exactly what is required.

There are many uses for our UAV's from Architecture to Construction, Surveys and Sporting events, Golf Course and Close up inspections, to Marketing as well as TV and filming production. The list is endless,

Video Shorts

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Copyright 2025 Colin Williams Photography - Company. Developed by The Flex Studio